How many locks are open?

Three locks are unlocked Funny Riddles 35. Riddle: What has lots of eyes, but can’t see? Answer: A potato 36. Riddle: What has one eye, but can’t see? Answer: A needle 37. Riddle: What has many needles, but doesn’t sew? Answer: A Christmas tree 38. Riddle: What has hands, but can’t clap? Answer: A clock…

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Willie Nelson opens up about terrifying health scare – “ain’t nothing to laugh at, that’s for sure”

Renowned country music icon Willie Nelson recently shared a concerning health incident he faced while on tour with his band. Despite his age, 90-year-old Nelson continues to tour the United States with the Nelson Family band, showcasing his enduring commitment to his musical craft. posterposter During a tour last year, he made the challenging decision…

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My ‘Ninja Turtle baby’ boy was born with a shell — he’s my superhero

Clearwater, Florida, toddler James McCallum earned the nickname “little Ninja Turtle” from his parents due to a rare skin condition resembling a turtle shell on his back. Despite inconclusive ultrasounds, concerns arose when scabbing and lumps appeared on James’ back post-birth. The mysterious condition covered 75% of his back, growing rapidly, impacting his sleep and…

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Capturing the Celestial Embrace: Photographer’s Triumph in Portraying Christ The Redeemer ‘Holding’ the Moon

In the realm of photography, there are moments that require not only skill and precision but also a dash of luck. One such extraordinary moment has recently made waves across the globe, as photographer Leonardo Sens finally succeeded in capturing an awe-inspiring image of Christ The Redeemer seemingly ‘holding’ the moon with both hands. This…

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